Detoxification plays an important role in maintaining optimal health, it helps to rejuvenate your health and body. Detoxification is a means of clearing out harmful toxins from your body by sticking to a set of diets. It helps with weight loss, gives more energy, and a healthier liver.

Here are some ways you can remove these toxins with natural foods

  1. Water Detox

Drinking water is generally a healthier and more rewarding choice for your body as it will benefit every organ of your body. Water helps to hydrate your liver and kidneys and harmful toxins are passed out via urine. Many people like to add certain fruits to give their water taste, you can do that too with lime or lemon just as you like. 

Myth: Water mixed with slices of fruit is healthier than natural water 

Fact: Water detox is the most effective detox for the body

  1. Lemon detox

This especially helps with weight loss and it is also a great way to release toxins that are harmful from the body. Mix some lemon with lukewarm water and drink this every morning on an empty stomach. Not only will it help you clear out the toxins, but it will also keep your digestive system in check

Myth: Drinking lemon water will automatically reduce your weight. It is the combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and a strict routine

Fact: Lemon detox helps to fight harmful toxins in your body

  1. Sugar detox

It is also known as the candida cleanse. It is a diet regime that focuses on the removal of foods containing sugar or sweeteners.
Myth: Alcohol doesn’t contain sugar so there’s no need to cut it from this diet regime. It is important to cut off alcohol intake while performing this detox.
Fact: It helps to reduce the amount of sugar content in the body

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